Yoga is an ancient science that was developed in India. It helps to control the mind and the body. It is now used all over the world to live a healthy and a happy life. Yoga has many physical and psychological benefits.
Yoga can be learned by one and all. The earlier one starts to learn yoga the faster they will be able to enjoy the many benefits of the same. We will now discuss if yoga can be done with a group. Practicing Yoga with friends and buddies is a great idea actually. We will try to look at all the aspects of this topic.
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When we say practicing yoga with buddies we mean that you do Yoga with a group of people you are comfortable with. Well the concept of practicing yoga with friends has many advantages and disadvantages too. Patanjali who originally started the concept of Yoga also mentioned this concept. The many advantages of practicing group yoga are:
- You feel more motivated as you have a number of people who are learning Yoga with you.
- You can compare your progress with that of the others and as a result you feel more enthusiasm to practice Yoga.
- The concept of practicing Yoga with friends is recommended more for those who are learning Yoga for the first time. When you are learning yoga for the first time you will need more motivation to do it regularly. This can be given to you by the buddies who are practicing yoga with you regularly.
- As you practice yoga with buddies in a group, you can have more fun as you pull each other’s legs. It can make learning yoga more fun.
- Practicing yoga with friends creates a stronger bond between the people who are practicing yoga.
- When you join a yoga class you automatically get into the mode of practicing Yoga with buddies.
- Doing yoga all alone may be a little boring for some so group practice helps
- When you do practicing yoga with buddies you will be able to exchange notes and if you are not able to get it right you may be helped by your pal.
- Practicing Yoga with Buddies ensures that you regularly attend the Yoga classes.
- Many people tend to discontinue the Yoga practice once the yoga classes are over. When you practice yoga in group with friends, you will be able to practice yoga even after the classes are over as your friends will call you for the same.
Now that we have listed the many advantages of practicing Yoga with buddies we also have to mention the disadvantages of practicing yoga with friends:
- For the success of the practicing Yoga with friends you must ensure that you select friends who are serious about learning the Yoga. If your pals are not serious you will not be getting the motivation needed.
- When you do practice in a group, you tend to compare yourself with your friends. You must remember here that your friend might be physically fit as a result he or she can bend more. You must stay within your comfort zone. If you overdo anything it may lead you to many troubles.
- Ensure that while you do practice yoga in your friend circle, the basic purpose of the same is fulfilled. You must be in a position to enjoy the most of the situation. If practicing Yoga with buddies is putting undue pressure on you both mentally and physically then it might not be a great idea.
- Some people tend to learn Yoga from their friends and not from the instructor. This can be a little dangerous as your friend might not be able to give you the best guidance required. While you do practicing yoga with buddies ensure that you only practice with them and not learn the yoga from them.
- If you feel any discomfort while you are practicing yoga with your friends do instruct your teacher. Do not stress yourself under peer pressure.
Some tips that you must remember when it comes to practicing Yoga with buddies are as follows:
- Ensure that you select a defined time in a day to practice the yoga.
- Ensure that you do your Yoga even if your friends are joining in or not.
- Ensure that you motivate each other in doing the Yoga regularly. If you do not practice the Yoga regularly it will not give you the best results.
- Once your Yoga classes are over you must practice the yoga regularly.
- If your friend needs your support to improve do extend the same.
We hope that we were able to discuss all the aspects of practicing Yoga with buddies in this article. We hope that this will help you to you enjoy your yoga sessions with your friends.