![Role of Inner & Outer Mind in Hypnotism Role of Inner & Outer Mind in Hypnotism](https://www.metaphysics-knowledge.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Inner-Mind.jpg)
In hypnotism the mind is divided into three parts, namely the inner mind, the outer mind and the intellect. Today let us find out how these three parts interrelate and interact with each other and how to use them for hypnotic purposes. Please note that in different systems such as say Yoga, you might come across terms like subconscious, super-conscious and conscious which perhaps closely relate to what hypnotists call as inner, outer minds and intellect.
The Innocent Inner Mind
The outer mind does not accept suggestion easily. Characteristically it argues. However, the inner mind accepts every suggestion very easily. Take an example. Go to a patient and tell him that he is no longer ill. His outer mind will not accept it. He will hit back: ‘you are wrong. I have not recovered. I am suffering from a terrible headache. My joints ache. How do you say that I look healthy?’
Mean while a physician arrives and tells the same patient that he is hale and hearty. The outer mind would feel like arguing that he is not yet recovered. But the intellect would have the upper hand. For the intellect has presumed that the physician is an expert. He knows more about physical ailments. His opinion must be more authentic. When the intellect suggests like this, the outer mind will come round to the position that it is now doing fine. When the outer mind has accepted, the question of the inner mind does not rise. For it always accepts suggestions unquestioningly.
Role of the Hypnotist
The role of the hypnotist is identical to that of the physician referred to above. It is already known that the outer mind goes by whatever the physician suggests. It is only for this reason that the intellect intervenes. Much in the same way the ‘subject’ must have full confidence in the hypnotist. Unless the ‘subject’ has an implicit faith in the hypnotist, neither the outer mind nor the inner mind will accept any of the suggestions made by the hypnotist.
To take an example, the hypnotist suggests that you are getting sleepy. It is likely that your mind counters by arguing that no, the ‘subject’ is not at all feeling sleepy. In this case the mind intervenes and over-rules the objections. Having implicit faith in the hypnotist the ‘subject’ accepts that he feeling sleepy. When the outer mind comes under influence, the question of the inner mind does not arise at all. In a situation like this, the outer mind is rendered totally inactive, and the inner mind gets activated and follows the suggestions as sought to be made.
Relax the Outer Mind
When the outer mind is quietened or put to sleep the inner mind reaches loftier heights and gets further activated. When, for example, you sleep at night, your outer mind falls asleep. Correspondingly the inner mind jumps into activity and starts travelling to long distances. You begin to see the sights through the medium of dreams. These dreams are nothing but what your inner mind has seen or is seeing.
Neither time nor space has any meaning for the inner mind. In a moment it can travel thousands of miles. Similarly it can go into the past and see happenings taking plea several years ago. It can also see into the future-into a happening in the immediate future or remote future.
The incident which you come across in the dream may come true one of those days. You will be amazed to note that the incident reveals itself in real life much in the same way as you saw it in your dream only a couple of days ago. There is nothing amazing about it, for the inner mind had seen the imminent incident. You remembered it.
Divya Drishti
A situation like this develops only when the inner mind is not under your control. We will have to see all such things as the inner mind see. On the contrary if the inner mind is under your control, you will see through its instrumentality only such sights as you yourself might want to see. Suppose you want to see when and where and how a certain person would marry, the inner mind would at once take hold of his wish and you would be able to see that he marries at a certain place, he marries a certain girl and all that. It is possible only when the inner mind is under control. In our scriptures this vision was called Divya Drishti.
Many times as we keep contemplating a very dear and near person, we suddenly find a particular aspect of that person flashing before us. Suddenly a woman feels that her husband who is abroad has been taken ill. She had not worked up any suggestion nor did she practise any meditation. She is upset. Soon she receives a telegram informing that her husband is ill. How she had the hunch, she wonders. It is not uncommon to have a presentiment if you have gained control over the inner mind. A controlled inner mind can reveal both the past and the future.
How to control the inner mind?
The instrument which brings the inner mind under control is hypnotic suggestion. It is only through hypnotism that we can know the full meaning of the hypnotic suggestion.
Without hypnotic suggestion we cannot have the hypnotic process made perfect. Following the process the hypnotist can hypnotise others as well as himself.
Hypnotic Passes explained
Hypnotic passes are certain movements caused by the hypnotist. The purpose is to hypnotise or dehypnotise a ‘subject’. It means that we can extent to others the power vested in us.
Dr. Mesmer proved that every person is endowed with magnetism. It can be passed on or transferred to other human bodies. We have also discussed that the power is inherent in every person and it can be future enriched. This exercise involves a regular practice. We have to make use of shakti-chakra for this purpose. We can make use of tratak too. Once we have a regular practice of the chakra or tratak, the magnetism inherent in us gets such a boost that we can hypnotise anybody in a single moment.
When an accomplished sadhu touches a patient on his forehead, the patient gets much relief. It is nothing but magnetism which he got from the sadhu through the instrumentality of his fingers. When you enrich magnetic power in your person, through the medium of tratak, you can pass it on to others. It is this action which is known as Hypnotic Pass.
The Procedure (Shaktipaat)
To accomplish this capacity you make a ‘medium’ sit in front of you. You are to transfer your magnetism into the body of the ‘medium’. So keep standing in front of him. Spread your fingers and stretch them as far as possible. Now fix your eye on the fingers and suggest to yourself that the magnetic power inherent in you is flowing on to your fingers. After a short while you will feel a sort of sensation in your fingers.
If you continue to repeat the same suggestion for some time, you will feel a similar sensation over-taking your whole body. Particularly the eyes and the fingers will feel the sensation rather sharply. When you feel the sensation sharply in your fingers, put the fingers on the forehead of the ‘medium’ and suggest to him that the magnetic power inherent in you is flowing on to his body through the instrumentality of your fingers. Also suggest that the ‘medium’ is drawing the power and so his body is feeling sensation all over.
After some time you will feel totally quietened. The sensation is gone. You begin to feel lightened. The meaning of this change is that the portion of the magnetic power which you could spare has gone into your ‘medium’.
Once again if you want to pass on the ‘medium’ magnetic power, you will have to go through a similar exercise. By following this kind of transmission, that is, extending your own magnetic power and passing it on to others, you can make anybody totally free from diseases. You can also give him divine vision. In the Indian philosophy it is called shaktipaat.
The ‘medium’ following s this operation can derive all such benefits as hypnotists have. The initial attempt for passing on magnetic power roughly takes 10 to 15 minutes. One should not have more than 2 to 3 exercises a day seeking to pass on magnetic power to others. After assuming this power one can really reach the exalted status of a spiritual teacher. He is come to be endowed with full power to transfer to his disciple all his knowledge and power.