Spirituality is a way of life. It is nothing but a bridge between our soul and the Parmatma. Parmatma is the eternal force that guides us and we all will one day return to this power house. We all have a soul. That is the energy that drives us. We make it whatever it is. A good soul is a result of good karma and a bad soul is a result of the opposite. We all know this and we have read a lot about these too. There are many books across the world that claims to have all answers to spirituality.
We will now take up some spiritual book reviews. There is so much written on this topic all across the world that we perhaps cannot discuss all these books. However, there are some books that must have a very strong mention of spiritual life and how to live a life of high spirituality. This is exactly what we are going to talk about now. This is for all those who have read these books and also for those who are planning to pick it up.
We all have a spiritual self within us. Our soul or Atma as termed in Sanskrit is the power that is our spirit. People with a strong and positive spirit have more positive energy and they attract a lot of people to themselves. People with a negative spirit have a negative power and as a result they don’t get peace and success. With a good knowledge of your spirit you can ensure that you have a healthy spiritual life.
You Can Heal Your Life is one of the best selling spiritual books of all time. It Is written by Louise L Hay. It is a very simple book that is a great pleasure to read for anyone. The book has done tremendously well worldwide. It tells the readers how they can heal anything from a mental tension to a physical health by following a spiritual life.
The author was diagnosed with cancer and she survived this will simple will power and devotion. There are lot of personal experiences and incidents that the author refers to in the book to prove that life has a very simple equation what we give it returns the same back to us. Many readers across the world have read this inspiring book and have attained a healthier and spiritual life. We highly recommend this book to all readers.
The next very popular book that deserves a mention here is Alchemist. It was written by Paulo Coelho and first published in 1988. The novel is a Portuguese one. However, the message was so powerful and inspiring that it was later translated and published in about sixty languages across the world. The story is simple.
It is the story of a young shepherd boy and his life. However, the various incidents that happen in his life are very well presented and finally he succeed in his goal. It is a very inspiring story and teaches people to dream. It also ensures that you full fill your dreams. A very inspiring book indeed and definitely spiritual, it will give you a sense of peace and relief. This is a thus a very important book that we recommend everyone to read. The book is timeless and universal. This is what makes it so appealing it touches your soul and makes you feel alive.
The next book we are going to discuss is the Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living. Interesting as the name may sound the book is written based on Tibet and the contribution of the great Dalai Lama. This book very clearly and beautifully brings out the fact that no matter how bad your outside world is from within you should be peaceful and divine. How can you attain this state is what the book is all about.
M.Scott Peck was a psychiatrist by profession but the book that made him immortal is the Road Less Travelled. It was published in 1978. The book is one of the most celebrated spiritual books of all times. It is still bought and read by readers all across the world. The way the author discussed about discipline, love and grace is perhaps never matched in any other book of this genre.
When we talk about spiritual books that have been written all across the world and appreciated by readers of all age and nationality we have to mention a name that is none other than the Tuesday’s with Morrie. The book was written by Mitch Albom. The touching story of a dying man that has touched the lives of so many people all over the world and inspired them to live a better life is a must mention in this article.
A classic in the list of spiritual books is Chopra’s very popular is The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Inspired by the ancient Vedic teachings the author tries to ensure that the reader understands what success actually is and how real success can be attained. It also tries to answer the very famous question that why success cannot be associated to happiness.
Many gurus will tell you that spirituality is something that no book can teach you. Perhaps that true. Spirituality is very personal. Something that is spiritual for one might not be so for another. This is a personal concept indeed. However, after reading these books you will be able to understand what it actually means to you. How can you attain it and most important of all what exactly spirituality is and where can you find it.
I hope all these questions of yours will be answered and you will find your true spiritual self. Well for those who have already read a lot on spirituality you will have to accept that these books can introduce you to an all new aspect of spirituality. For those who are just starting to understand the concept of spirituality these books will help you to understand the basis of spirituality more and help you to learn more about this concept and attain peace of mind.
Happy reading and we will get back with more Spiritual Book Reviews soon !!