Menopause is the state in a woman’s life when her periods stop forever. This stage can be both emotionally and physically very stressful for any woman. We will now discuss something that a woman can do to ensure that the stage of menopause in her life is not as painful as it is generally.
We will now discuss yoga for Menopause. We hope that these simple yogas will help you to live a healthy and better life. It can not only reduce the side effects of menopause it can also make you feel young. Some experts say that if this yoga is done from mid-thirties then the age for menopause can also be delayed.
Menopause can cause s lot of health problems. This is exactly why trying to delay the age of menopause is not a very bad idea.
Posture 1
The first yoga that you can do is lie on your back. Now fold your legs. Keep both your hands on the floor. Now lift the upper half of your body using your hands and legs for support. Hold this pose for thirty seconds. Come back to the position you started. Again do the same and hold for thirty seconds. Try to do this yoga for ten times.
Posture 2
The second yoga pose that you can do in yoga for Menopause is very simple again. Stand straight. Now slowly bend the body till your hands touch the thumb of your legs. Hold this for thirty seconds. Again get back to the standing position. Take a deep breath when you bend and release the breath when you are standing back. This will help you relax and reduce stress.
Posture 3
The next yoga for Menopause that we will discuss is called the adho Mukha Svasana. In this you need to first stand straight. Then bend your upper body till your hands touch the floor. You should not touch the feet. The position should be such that you can see your feet in the bent position. Hold this for thirty seconds.
Posture 4
Halasana is a very effective yoga for Menopause. In this you need to lie down. Hold your breath. Slowly bend your body till your legs go behind your head. Hold this for thirty seconds and then release the breath and get back to the original position.
Posture 5
The next yoga for Menopause is quite simple. All that you need to do is sit straight. Then stretch your hands till they reach your feel. Hold your thumb. Stay in this position for thirty seconds. Release and then again do the same. Ten rounds of this yoga must be done. It will reduce the menopausal pain. It can also help to reduce insomnia.
Posture 6
Balasana is often recommended as yoga for Menopause. In this first sit on your knees. Then bend your body forward. Let your head touch the floor. While you do this your hands should be stretched out. Take a deep breath when you bend and release this breath when you are getting back to your initial position. It can reduce stress. This yoga is very good for fatigue and is also called the child pose.
Posture 7
The last in the list of the yoga for Menopause is the camel pose. It is called utrasana in yoga. In this yoga you should first sit in kneel down position. You then need to bend your body. This time around the bend is backward. Your hands should touch the ankle of your feet. You should hold this position for thirty seconds. Ten rounds of this yoga must be done for the best results.
Most of the yoga that we have mentioned here must be done in the morning and in an empty stomach for best results. Your weight and blood pressure should be in control to practice this yoga for Menopause. If you feel even a little uncomfortable you must report the same to your doctor. You can do them for half an hour a day.
If you have painful periods then this yoga can help you to reduce the normal pain too. If you are not into yoga you may find these a little difficult. However, with regular practice you can master these. If you want you can join a yoga class too. You can tell your yoga instructor the name of the yogas that we have mentioned here. This will help you to learn the yoga better. Yoga is healthy and does not have side effects but we would advise that you ask your yoga instructor before you get into the habit of doing this yoga regularly.
These are the simple yogas that you can do on a daily basis in order to reduce the effect of menopause. We hope that this article on yoga for Menopause will help you to deal with this issue better. It is a common stage for all women. You just have to be mentally strong so that you can deal with the problem better. The yoga poses are simple and if you have a healthy body you can do them on your own. We hope that this yoga for Menopause will help you to reduce your menstrual problems.