Weight is a major concern for many and obesity is a very common problem these days. People spend thousands of dollars a year to get rid of weight. With regular practice of yoga you can lose weight and lead a healthy life. We in this article will discuss in details the yoga poses for losing weight. These simple poses can really help you to lose weight in months’ time.
Some tips for Yoga poses for losing weight are below. They will help you to attain better results:
- Do this yoga empty stomach. Try not to have water during yoga.
- You must do the Yoga poses for losing weight at a particular time in a day. The time should not change.
- You can practice the yoga for half an hour to one hour for best results
- You must accompany these yoga with healthy food and lots of water
- If you have high blood pressure or knee trouble then please consult a doctor before you start.
- You can do these Yoga poses for losing weight no matter what your age is
- We would recommend that you learn the Yoga poses for losing weight from a qualified teacher. This will help you to learn the Yoga best.
- Try to wear comfortable clothes when you do the yoga.
- The yoga must be done in peace so that no one disturbs you.
- Have patience as yoga will take some time to give results but the results will be drastic
The top most Yoga poses for losing weight are as follows:
Surya Namaskar also known as the sun salutation is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. It is a yoga that consists of twelve poses. Each pose has a mantra. When you do the Surya Namaskar with the mantras the Surya Namaskar becomes even more powerful. Each of the steps in the Surya Namaskar is designed for the overall weight loss of the body. The Surya Namaskar also includes mantra meditation. It must be learnt from a guru. Unless you do the Surya Namaskar in the right way you will not get the benefits. The Surya Namaskar is a very complicated yoga and it may take you some time to master. The whole set of the twelve yogas make one round of Surya Namaskar. You must do twenty of these rounds to get the best results. However, you can start with three rounds and increase slowly. The Surya Namaskar must be gone only in the morning when the sun is just up. The rays of the morning sun are also very beneficial for a good health. We cannot explain entire steps here, so will be uploading a separate article for it, but in the meantime you can learn about the significance of sun or surya in Vedas.
The Hastapadangustasana, or Toe-Finger Pose– this is a common Yoga poses for losing weight. In this one needs to first stand straight. When you do so you should slowly lift one leg in the air. The leg lifted should be straight. You must ensure that you hold this leg with one hand. The other hand should be placed on your hip. You should do this Hastapadangustasana on both your legs. Hold the position for a few seconds. The Hastapadangustasana can be very useful in losing weight. It may take you some time to get the Hastapadangustasana. However, with regular practice you can master the same. Initially the Hastapadangustasana can be done with a support.
Hastapadasana, or Hand-Leg Pose- this is the next in the list of the yoga poses for weight loss that we will be discussing. Hastapadasana is a simple pose. We are also enclosing a picture so that you can understand the same. In the Hastapadasana you first need to stand straight. Slowly bend your upper body. Bend till your hands touch the toe of the leg. Your head should be as close to your knees as possible. This may not be easy for a beginner. When you bend your body inhale and hold the position for some time. Slowly lift your head and exhale. Come back to your original position. You can do the Hastapadasana for five minutes to get the best results. It will be very effective on your abdomen and your waist.
Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana)– This is a highly recommended pose for weight loss. In the Parivrtta Trikonasana you need to stand with your legs apart. Now slowly move your right hand to the toe of the left leg. The other hand should be stretched towards the ceiling. Hold the Parivrtta Trikonasana and then repeat on the other side. The Parivrtta Trikonasana is very effective on the abdomen and the thigh muscles. As you practice the Parivrtta Trikonasana regularly you will see that your body is getting into shape. You can do the Parivrtta Trikonasana for few minutes. The duration can be increased with time.
- Parivrtta Trikonasana
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana) – the next in the list of the Yoga poses for losing weight is the very popular Vasisthasana. In this you first need to le on your side. As you do so use one hand to lift the body. You can also use your toe to support the body. Hold the Vasisthasana for a few seconds and then release. You must do the Vasisthasana on both the right and the left side of the body. The Vasisthasana can tone down the whole body. It is a very effective yoga and can really help in controlling weight. Vasisthasana needs a little expertise. This is why we will suggest that the Vasisthasan must be done in the presence of an educated yoga teacher. You can do the Vasisthasana initially with a support that can be removed later.
Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)– The last in the list of the Yoga poses for losing weight is the Bhujangasana. In this asana one should first lie on the floor with the head facing the floor. Now using your hands slowly lift the upper part of the body. Hold on the position for a few seconds. You will look like a cobra this is exactly why this yoga is called the Bhujangasana. It can be a great way to control weight related issues.
These are the various Yoga poses for losing weight. You can practice any one of them or all of them at the same time to get the best results. The Yoga poses for losing weight are highly recommended and they can help you lose weight much faster.
You can do them in the comforts of your home. Try to ensure that you do them on a regular basis for the best results. Many people across the world have benefited form the Yoga poses for losing weight. We hope you too will gain the benefits soon.