Each person is unique, to compare them is not right
Everyone has their own struggles, and their own fight
We cannot say one is superior or inferior to the other
So before you point out any fingers, think o ye brother
Circumstances in each case are different each & every time
There are subtle differences which are very minute so sublime
This is the funda you should apply even in your everyday life
Do not compare your life, your kids, parents, siblings or wife
If you learn to see that every person is unique creation of above
Everyone has strengths and flaws, be it a tiger, eagle or a dove
The beauty of this world is in its variety, normal would be so bore
You never know what will happen in the future, what exactly is in store
So just be happy? in the present, do not say either him or her was better
Your such comments could hurt anyone, they could cry, get discouraged or shatter
In this hope I am writing these few lines, just consider it as an open letter
You never know what life will serve you, in a rotten tray or a silver platter
So let who is in power do his work, you do yours, if you dont agree just vote
But only when the right time comes, for now you can just exchange your old note
Sometimes it is better to go with the flow, why bother about what you cannot change
To stop what is happening might be something which might seem with a reachable range
Yet many things happen in life, when you dont have control, and you just cant anything do
Will you protest if your loved one is taken by God, or any health tribulation you go through
Why we make such a protest at something which is very miniscule just for the sake of noise
Just remember most of the people out there are having their own interests, not in your voice
I am not supporting or opposing either side, everyone in power will do their karma
Let time decide what is good or bad, it will tell who is on the side of dharma
Consider the higher things of life, do not let your mind be stuck by these things so small
For those who are inticing you are mostly looking to put forth their pictures in the fame hall
Let it happen and if you feel that it is not right, then act but at the right time and place
For now just focus on your own goals and life, just see life as it comes in its face
We started out with the comparison of Modi and MMS so let us again one time come back
No one is better or worse, everyone has some qualities and some everyone does lack
The debate of such a comparison is itself useless, everyone should be given a chance
Let us not limit our consciousness but let it universally expand, grow and enhance
From this small debate let us take a lesson that spirituality can be seen in all aspects
For it is something which can encompass your entire life, in everything and all respects