Blood can mean many things to people in this life
When it is shed on the streets it is a symbol of strife
When it is donated to save life, that is one of the most noble deed
It shows that we are not so inhumane, not so averse to any creed
For the language of blood is same irrespective of case, colour or age
It does unite all living forms – human or non-human – so says the sage
If you must spill blood, spill it for the sake of others and the nation
Even animals dont kill unnecessarily, so dont create this aberration
It is a substance which cannot be created by the scientist in the lab
It is something which you cannot order online using your tab
So realize the value of this immensely useful fluid you have as your own
Do donate for its the greatest donation, you will reap what you have sown
Here is a chart which shows who can donate to whom
If you cannot read it, click to it to make it zoom
Hope this poem inspires you do donate blood once a month at least
You never know whose life will be saved, and they will have a feast
So get up this Sunday and goto the nearest blood donation camp
You may not be a Sun, but you can always be a small lamp
For darkness gets dispelled even with the smallest of light
Just do it and feel elated, you will touch a grand new height