Today when the country is struggling with fighting Corona Virus there is another virus which is spreading fast in our country. This is the virus of intolerance and in-harmony whether it relates to the case of some specific sects or the cruel murder of members of another community.
We are not here to defend or blame anyone because we believe that there are good and bad elements in every religion so we cannot label any religions as entirely bad and any other as entirely good. It is the followers which make or break this image. Given below is a small message which is an appeal to spread positivity and harmony in such an environment
Many people will not agree to taking this neutral stand as they believe that we should have a strong opinion in all matters, but we present everything from a spiritual perspective without favouring or blaming any sect, creed, caste or religion.
So we just want to say that the world already has enough hatred and intolerance so the best donation you can give in such times is to donate peace, harmony, balance of mind and positive vibes. Just share good messages, positive happenings and spread the cheer.
Just remember no virus has the power to destroy humanity except the human beings themselves. So just spread the good vibes as much as you can, otherwise once the virus subsides this subconscious anger, hatred and religious intolerance will cause much greater harm to society than the virus itself.