When you have to reach the goal, just turn a deaf ear to negative thoughts
If only you keep constant focus, you will hit the bulls eye in the right slots
Only you and you are responsible for what happens if you succeed or not
You must always treat the path fearlessly, or unawares you will be caught
However just see that the goal towards which you are aiming is is right
Once you are convinced, you just need to move on with all your might
Do not stop, do not rest, for there is no time to sit down idly and waste
Yet you need to keep utmost patience, it does not mean to make haste
Use the words and stones that the world throws as a help and as a guide
They should help you to get above and rise, never to let you down slide
Once you are deaf to the negative thoughts only the positive ones remain
That is the time when you have nothing to lose, but only stand to win and gain
Image Courtesy: E-Buddhism Website