Most of us try to decorate our bodies with perfumes and clothes which are best
Yet this body is only temporal, it does not stand the rigorous time test
Still we forget this fact and try to adore and pacify our bodily desires and passion
Such huge is this industry, which adores the temporal body, known as fashion
It does not mean to say that you do not need to take care of this holy temple
It only means to say that we have to take care of this temporal but unique sample
The super consciousness within is the real driver which makes this body worth
Yet those who realize this truth are in real shortage, there is a huge dearth
Most of the people who represent religion act out of fear, they are mostly fake
It is only the limited few, who have a mind which is calm like a crystal clear lake
If you want to reach God and know your own true self, just meditate day and night
For if you do so, there is no goal you cannot reach, unreachable is not any height