It was envisioned by the seers long long time in history far back
In Kaliyuga there will be a time when knowledge’s value will lack
These days, this seems to be coming true as books are sold in kilos
They are not portrayed openly but just kept in obscure dusty silos
While the shoes are kept in perfect condition, so clean and shining
Books which are so precious being the source of knowledge mining
However this might be the case, still the power of knowledge is supreme
No matter how great the kaliyuga, how intense, how much extreme
Knowledge is power, it was so and it will be provided it is gained with care
When you are armored with the this power, you dont need to scare
For it is a vehicle which can help you in this world & beyond, its true
Just try learning material or spiritual, it will help you through and through
Neem trees are decreasing but the bitterness in the hearts is on the rise
Whereas bitterness should be eaten to purify blood, so says the wise
The sweetness which should be in the tongue is in diabetes these days
While the tongue is turning bitter, such are these strange modern ways
However I am not disappointed, nor pessimistic for always focus on the goal
Despite these things, the inner self is pure, just try to find your own soul