There is lot of debate whether death sentence is to be or not to be
Some are totally against it, while some view it with blissful glee
Let us look from the spiritual standpoint whether man can do justice to man
Whether this practice should continue, or should there be a total ban
Law and order are to be maintained, this is necessary and is law of the land
Is it not true that behind every act, there is also something beyond, some other hand
We cannot let chaos prevail in the society, law and order has to take its course
Yet Lord Krishna says, there is the Law of Karma which is the greatest force
So irrespective of whether justice has been achieved or not, rest assured about one thing
Law of Karma will take care of everything, and ultimate justice to everyone it will bring
These things are beyond comprehension of we the normal people, we can only think
Irrespective of the good or bad, the entire life on cosmic scale is just a blink
The question of death penalty is under debate, of course criminals should be brought to book
Yet even if they escape the legal proceedings, their own karma will be the greatest hook
This debate will remain whether we can take something we cannot give back, that is life
Let us debates prevail, we need to think about other things in world, poverty and strife
The humans have limitations, we can only do with limited things with best of intent
The power beyond will take care of everything, its proceedings only Saints can prevent
Live beyond life, see the higher aspect, then you will realize when see the lofty goals
We have just been indulging unnecessarily in worldly things, just learn from the higher souls