We are fortunate to be born in a nation which from shackles is free
Only a bird knows the joy of released from a cage, perching on a tree
Yet over time we seem to devalue what was obtained with so much pains
Some selfish elements tend to utilize this for their own personal gains
The different religions exist peacefully without any enmity or hate
Yet these selfish elements use the very religion as a bait
The demon of corruption raises its head time and again
It is high time it should be put to sleep and permanently slain
The poor have been oppressed by rulers for centuries now provide them care
We have all that we need, we need to learn how to properly divide and share
Maa Saraswati – Goddess of Education – has been worshiped since ages
Everyone has equal right of knowledge, so say the ancient and wise sages
Maa Durga has been the form of Nari Shakti, and Kaali the Destroyer
It is high time we stop offering females to our greed and put them to fire
This freedom has been gained with much efforts so let not it go in vain
Let not the dreams, hard work and wishes of our ancestors go down the drain
Rise, awake and learn the meaning of freedom and learn to value it dear
Then only the darkness will dispel and the vision will become crystal clear