Today God is on leave, do not go to temple, lets make someone happy with a good deed
The world needs so much love, compassion so let us listen to our inner voice, do pay heed
At the next door there might be a boy who is hunting for a job, help him find some work
There might be some poor and needy, just help them do not run away or shirk
Some aged lady might be abandoned on the roadside, she might not be your mother
Yet treat her as if she were, it might help to give some happiness like no other
Spend time with family, friends, parents, brothers, sisters, and everyone in your life
Do not limit your love in the name of selfishness, just to your spouse, husband or wife
Give food to the poor, there might be people who have not eaten properly since days
Just see the happiness and contentment on their faces, and how it always stays
Do not only limit yourself to finding God in temples and ringing the bells loud
Try to find God in the humans on the ground, do not just search in the cloud
When you wipe a tear, when you bring a smile on face, God will also smile
So that is also true worship, perhaps even greater, if you just think for a while
So today God is on leave, try to find him in the outside world in His creation of beauty
For even that is mandatory if you are alive and breathing, it is also one of your duty