Metaphysics Knowledge wishes all our readers a very Happy Dussehra 2014
On this day victory triumphed over evil for good
It was a great day for all the principles that Sri Rama stood
Let us pledge on this Dussehra that we will always raise our voice
We wont silently bear injustice, even when there is no choice
Good might seem weak while evil might seem to prevail
The story of good might seem short, while long is the evil tale
Yet in the long run, you will see that law of karma will ensure
All that is bad will get defeated, and victory will be for the pure
Even at the higher plane, good and bad are just two sides of the coin
One exists only because of the other, yet like river banks they never join
You should just keep doing what you do, and make sure intentions are right
Never for a moment you should let go your principles out of sight
Then only will there be true victory of good over evil, like Dussehra day
While evil is only temporary, good will there be always to stay