The Mother Divine pervades the entire cosmos extreme
She is the sole power, the basis of creation, the ultimate Supreme
Though all days of the year are holy and belong to the Mother
Yet the Navratris are just special, unlike any other
During these days you can worship the Divine form and gain
The Mother will remove all your wants, sufferings and pain
She will bestow you with the purest of blessings forever
Your life will change upside down, like you saw never
Just be pious and and pure during this period, each single day
Mother will take care of the demons like she used to slay
Peace, health, prosperity, whatever you ask you shall receive
Make sure you do good deeds, no one you deceive
Just meditate in whatever form you can, for all forms are Her
She gives the blessings of Nirbhayata, there is no more fear.
Jai Maa