Prayers are a conversation with the all pervading force
Leaving out intermediaries, straight reaching the true source
Have you Prayed today, have you done your part
Even if you never did, make today a pious start
Prayer is not begging, neither an excuse to karma (work)
Nor does it mean to sit idle, not in the name of dharma (religion)
Prayer should come from the heart, even if words are not correct
Still they will work miracles, for it is a connection direct
To fulfill your tasks, you need courage, need to overcome fears
You need to be calm despite all odds, never to shed tears
All religions have their own style and way to Pray
Some do at middle of the night, some five times a day
As long as it speaks the heart’s language it is fine
Even if you dont remember what scriptures say line by line
Purity of heart is at the bottom of Prayers in any form
Rest all else is optional and certainly not the norm