When we travel on a journey long and have to go far
We talk to anyone we can, make friends, there is no bar
When it comes to life, it is too a journey of few years
Why waste in hating and fighting and not smiling but in tears
Keep your eyes on the goal far when you have to leave this all
At the end you will be free, when comes the final call
Of course with reincarnation you have to be back again
Till this series of births and deaths starts to turn you insane
Then you are reminded of the abode where there is no return
It is beyond all material limitations, even when the body does burn
Why fear death for it is just a change which gives you opportunity new
As bright as the morning sun, as fresh as the innocent dew
When you have lived enough life and are ready to take on the next
Though there will be always a reason to still live, there will be some pretext
Just remember in all this, there is no coming or going, its all a game
When the final moment comes, you should be content, shouldn’t be any reason for shame
Yet despite the sure death, why is there the desire to live forever
Why does everyone seem to forget as if he/she will die never
That is the spark of immortal soul which is reflected despite the cloudy mind
For such is the power of the pure inner core, even “maya” cannot turn it blind
So there is hope despite death that in the end all is same and nothing is lost
One should live life in the most meaningful manner, not matter what, at any cost
There should be no fear of end, it is like going back to home you long ago forgot
You didnt remember your true house, even all the Sages and Mystics so taught
Have Mercy O Almighty to embrace the final moment with all the Grace
In the end we realize, it was just a lonely journey, though we were in a race
Such is the mystery of life and death which only the Saints can reveal
For they play with life and death each day, for them its not a big deal