It is often we come across situations in life which seem like an insult
We should not forego either honour or rebuke, just accept the result
Each incident has a lesson to teach, each opportunity has a chance
Only if can learn to look through, only if we know how to glance
Yet one thing should be kept in mind, it is good to always learn
But it is no good to live on your knees, for sky you must always yearn
Keep you goals high, your ideals lofty, let circumstances hit you hard
They should not be able to shake you, that is the only measuring yard
If you can remain calm among tribulations, you are a winner for sure
That can only happen if your mind is free of false ego and so pure
You should be able to absorb all shocks, show the resilience extreme
No matter how turbulent outside, remain unperturbed and serene
In the end you will find that it was all a game of shadow and light
Once you realize this truth, you are on the eternal heavenly flight