Both of them were great kings in their own right
Having immense courage and tremendous might
Yet there was a difference between these mighty two
In order to check it, you have to see their life through
Where Porus was full of compassion and could sacrifice
Alexander only wanted victory, no matter what the price
It is good to focus on the goal, with single pointed devotion
Yet a true warrior is not the one who is devoid of all emotion
For the masculine warrior has to have a tinge of the feminine
Even all powerful Shiva is Ardhnarishwar, so He is Divine
It is not only goal which is important, but equally is the path
There is no point in reaching it through a ruthless blood bath
Being kind and compassionate is not a weakness it is a virtue
Only those can accomplish this, to the self who have stood true
Otherwise there is no end in this world to illusion or deception
So clean you mind and vision and focus on the self reception
You will receive Divine commands entire universe will unite
Only if you are righteous, then it is worth winning the fight