When the world is so silent you hear even the breath
When it feels so lonely just like being in arms of death
Thats the time when some force within you must awaken
That is the time when your myths of existence are shaken
For there is vast solitude when just engulfs you complete
That you realize the life is a speck in the eternal time fleet
The sages say that you should try to unite with the soul
For that is the highest and the only perhaps worthy goal

When that state is reached there is no desire nor any fear
That is the only time in life when nothing you hold dear
Still when you awake from that dream and delusion
That’s the time you realize it was real not an illusion
The power you have within you is really infinite
It can overcome all the situations difficulties despite
So why are you afraid just bear the silence and be strong
Just believe in the Almighty that nothing is wrong
At the end it is not whether you lose or win that matters
The person only loses if he cant stand but just shatters
So keep going the universe is all along for your support
Play your role well as there is not respite in Divine court
Be thankful that you were given the opportunity to live
Just dont be a collector of objects but just distribute give