It is again time to remember the day we got freedom and be immensely proud
Yet there are a few things which are always avoided, are always under shroud
There were two brothers who fought together against a third super power
They managed to set the sun on the empire, yet among’st themselves turned sour
Since time immemorial it was the Bharata, land of the saints and sages
There were so many ups and downs yet the unity did remain for ages and ages
Today we are happy that we got freedom from what we call the foreign rule
Yet that happiness is half baked, if we remember that hatred and the blood pool
Once they are separated, it might not be possible to unite as a nation again
Yet we can always live peacefully, why indulge in fighting and pain
Though we take a vow to defend our borders from all bad intentions and harm
Yet we also take a sankalp to be peaceful and see its charm
Once the leadership has true love for their opposite end
Then only true vibrations will their heart send
Before India we are Aryavrata and the land of the Ramayana and Gita
We have the nari shakti so immense, yet so caring just like Sita
We have people who are extremely talented yet dont go abroad
We have millions of honest dedicated people even if few are fraud
The land presents immense opportunities for growth so high
There is no limit, above us there is the dark blue sky
Let us vow to make our country totally safe and secure
Let us cleanse ourselves, make ourselves pious and pure
We have the tolerance to worship the fake if the pose at a saint
This is not our stupidity, but our broad mindset, it is not faint
Let us strive to help the poor, the needy and helpless on this day
Then only poverty will be removed and prosperity will stay
We have to cleanse our own minds of the devilish thoughts that go astray
We have to realize that life is nothing but a light and shadow play
Spirituality is the highest goal with the Sages taught us to seek
Yet they taught us to be powerful and not remain so meek
Let us be proud of this Independence Day
May the Motherland be eternal happy and gay