True religion is never about hatred and fight
It is a universal path which always leads to light
For if you ask me what is my religion of belief
It should lead to inner self, that is the objective chief
It is a path so gentle not full of fiery fire
Not always about annihilation of every desire
Rather each desire is fulfilled on this super highway
Teaches you to remain blissful, it makes your day
At the same time it is so subtle and deep, its not by chance
Only with deep practice you can reach that trance
When people kills in the name of religion, I just ask
Where from comes such hatred to commit such heinous task
But such people are not at all following the prophets
Are only finding excuses to fill their own pockets
A true religion will teach you tolerance, humility, sacrifice and hard work
The true path will encompass all humanity, no one and neither will it shirk