Right Path Vs Easy Path

Right Path Vs Easy Path



Life is not a bed of roses under all situations, at all times

There are moments of defeat and there are trumpets of chimes

So just remember when you ask God to give  you all pleasures and no pain

That if you ask so, it will be an irrelevant Prayer, for it would stand no gain

If you must ask, ask for endurance and strength to overcome whatever you face

If you keep steady and steadfast, all sorrows will vanish over time without a trace

Life is always a cycle of ups and downs, dont expect to keep stable on the out

The beauty is to be stable within, despite all pressure you just stand up and stout

If you are treading a path which has no difficulty at all, that is a not a reason to cheer

Rather if you are facing challenges, just know it is the right path, just nothing to fear

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