Hello Friends
Thank you all for participating in our Spiritual Poetry Contest #1
We are back with Contest #2 this time.
How to enter
Try to write a few lines (or as much as you can) of a poem relating to any metaphysical aspect and send to us at email id
and keep the subject as “Entry for Contest 2”
poem should not copied from any book, internet or anywhere else. The sender will be responsible for any violations of copyright that might arise out of sending a copied or plagiarized poem
We will chose best 3 entries and prizes would be
1st prize INR 5100/=
2nd prize INR 3100/=
3rd prize INR 2100/=
Apart from that we will also put winning entries at our website and Photo Gallery
so just pick up your pen/pencil or keyboard and start….
Last Date
Entries should be received by 20 October 2014 (extended upto 26th due to popular demand – results by October end)