Life is an immortal soul, we all live forever
Yet there is death and pain, forever lives anyone never
So what is the secret of this paradox? are the Saints lying
For everywhere, everyday we see how living things are dying
No, it is not about the frail and temporary body which they talk
Just step back and meditate, of truth and reality you take stock
There is something which is immortal, which is there in me and you
That is the only real self, that is only the fact which is true
To reach that inner self, just meditate and realize who you are
That realization will make you immortal, coz body is just a shooting star
It makes a bright streak for a while, then in space it does mingle
Yet nothing is lost or destroyed, it just changes form with a jingle
When the world sleeps just keep awake and search for that elixir of life
That will give you the highest joy, above all dualities, joy or strife
Then you will say when you look back, was a majestic illusion
That is called maya, the veil, it is such a strong delusion
Yet a single ray of realization is enough to bring you into light
All darkness is dispelled in a while, it just turns all bright