It is the duty of every man (and woman) to do shraddh karma with devotion and care
For if you ignore your ancestors, it is not good, it is simply not fair
You are in this world because they formed the chain that links you to the past
Make sure their memories are carried forward, as long as you live and last
Who has got time in this busy world, you might ask, you might say
People dont even have time for the living, they are just rushing each day
Yet a little reflection will show that it is worth the while to remember and stop
Just dont take this time for granted, you never know when clicking wont be the clock
There are immense blessings in your ancestors, just learn to pay respect due
See how your life will change, you will not even have the slightest clue
For the vibrations can traverse across the worlds, they are just watching you grow
Anytime you need their help, their blessings are just at a stones throw