It is for our sins, that the son of God gave up his life
So that we can live in joy, He endured all the strife
If He wanted, He could be free within seconds from this all
It is not without purpose that he didnt do so, such appall
When we sin, we should remember the cross He had to carry
How can we forget all that, just eat drink and be merry
Now just compare this act with what the people of today do
What all hatred is there in religion, what all we have to go through
When people fight in the name of Islam and Christianity, its a shame
Prophet Mohammed and Jesus are equal, just a difference of name
Let us remind ourselves of these great spiritual gurus and be kind
It will be a peaceful world, if all of us only our business we mind
If Jesus or Mohammed were to incarnate again in this cruel time
They would be surprised, how crudely we define their teachings sublime
They would be disappointed when they see men fighting and cutting each other
Did they not teach us to live like a family, and consider all as kith, kin and brother