The Road Of Life

The Road Of Life


The road of life is long, very long, you just have to keep walking

Just do not make much noise, let your karmas do the talking

On this long journey you might need to travel far and wide

Just do not be afraid of obstacles, take everything in your stride

Yet do not forget your roots, your place, despite all that you yearn

For that is only your true wealth, no matter how much you earn

At the end of the just came back to home, for the loved ones will wait

Do not forget them but just return, even if you are a bit late

It is true that the soul is truth, even your own body is not your own

Yet the same soul is super-conscious, not a single cell is alone

The entire universe lies within you, you are within the world all the time

This is the message of all holy books, so crude yet so deep and sublime

The only time you leave home permanently is the time when comes the call

I will be happy to leave the Earth, for compared to the Divine home its so small

In the end, the spirit unites with the super-consciousness if you live the right way

Else you will need to come again and again, in different forms you have to stay

So Pray, meditate and ensure that you cease to reincarnate but reach your goal

That is only possible when you rise above the body and realize you are a soul

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