There is a soul in each living being on this earth
The same universal spirit is born in every birth
Yet only a few realized souls can know this connection
For others it is just a survival race, a natural selection
So whenever you see such a being in plight
When they suffer so much, how can you enjoy the delight
Sai said, if you feed a hungry lonely soul, its serving God
Even if you spend millions to show off, its just fake n fraud
Do not do it out of mercy or compassion
Neither do it out of show off or mere fashion
For if He wants, he can make thousands of ways anytime
He can bestow unlimited riches on those without a dime
It is only for your own purification that you should do such deed
It will help you to transcend above all differences, caste or creed
When you realize that even animals are a part of nature
Then you will feel that power within you, of the highest stature
Today as the Sai connection is celebrated across various states
It is time to act rather than indulging in mere verbal debates
For Sai always told to stay happy and enjoy the colours of life
So that is the reason people play holy and rise above strife
Such was the holy played by the people of Punjab on this advice
It reminds of the Sai’s teachings, long after His material demise