We are so lost in caring about our own
We turn a blind eye to the poverty that has grown
It is not our duty we say for we are too busy for this all
In this rise of the individual, humanity has seen a great fall
It is not for sake of others that you should help one in need
It is not for their hunger that you should try to feed
For we are all a part of this cosmic universe, we have a role to play
It is not about heaven or hell, nor is it about the judgement day
But it is just that if we even do not have that much compassion
We cannot spare that much, while we spend exorbitantly on our fashion
It simply means that we are no more a part of the human clan
It is not what the Divine had in mind for His cosmic plan
Remember everyone is a part of you, the universal consciousness if the same
If you cannot feel their pain and hunger, you are just useless in the game
The ultimate goal of being one with the spirit cannot be realized without being one
Just awaken o human, to the society what have you done
Once you do you own bit, just see how the Blessings on you will pour
You will feel so elated, your spirit in all its might will soar
The peace you will feel within will have no other equal with any gain
Just if you can, try to deliver someone of even a minor pain