These days when most of the people including the media (unfortunately) are trying to highlight incidents which spread hatred and violence just in the name of making sensational news, we have started a humble attempt to highlight the positive things. For example recently due to an army operation between India and Pakistan, the hysteria for war is spreading like anything.
Who wants war really?
The recently published post on horrors of war and the spiritual perspective of the surgical strike have dissected the incident in the light of the ongoing war hysteria. The worst case scenario is when the such news go to the extent of viewing this in the light of religion like Hindu vs Christians vs Muslim and the common people who do not have too much time to reflect deeply, fall prey for this hatred campaign.
However a little reflection goes to show that actually this has nothing to do with religion or spirituality in any way, rather nothing could be farther from true religion. There are hundreds, rather thousands, of examples where people do not care for any such religious divide in their everyday lives and duties. The list would be endless and we cannot put all in one post but we will keep sharing such incidents at random, without any specific order.
Mohammed Hassan: take the case of this person who helped to save over 100 people who were mostly Indians and Hindus from a plane crash and gave his life in the process. We leave out the details of the news as you can verify it using Google search but the main point is not the incident but the fact that humanity is still alive and will always be, despite the claims made by war mongers and hatred preachers.
Quoting Bhagwad Gita: it has become a fashion today to quote the deeply spiritual verses of Saints like Lord Krishna to justify war and taking lives. We are not saying that the above quotation and preachings are not true or meaningless but they have to be understood in a different light altogether. It requires a deep calm mind full of love, peace, intuition and insight to understand these verses and not to be taken by a crowd full of hysteria.
A relevant quote from H. Truman, the former president of USA holds good in this context. Talking of nearer home, the Father of the Nation had totally different thoughts and preached Ahimsa again which most people, especially the young, hasty generation of today does not realize and equates it sometimes to weakness and cowardice.
Yet the same Lord Krishna said that peace has to be obtained at all cost, and only the strongest of the strong can live in peace.
Without going in too much detail or depth, we simply request our readers to retain calmness and not get carried away by any such campaigns. Live and Let Live
Request to readers: we also request our readers to share big or small incidents and events like this and we will publish them on our website. Why keep spreading campaigns which incite hatred and negativity when we can all contribute towards a peaceful and positive world. You can get to us using the contact us form.