Yesterday on 13 July 2015, the great soul, Saint, philospher and direct disciple of Swami Rama of Himalayas attained Mahasamadhi. More details about this enlightened soul can be found at www.swamiveda.org.
A few lines dedicated to Swami Veda Ji
Such souls incarnate on this Earth for a purpose very special and entirely unique
Only few are able to apprehend their greatness, such is their simplicity and normal physique
To the uninitiated the body has been lost and they will cry and weep
Yet the true followers know that that it is just another great leap
From the mortal body to the consciousness of the infinite without any bounds
He has just passed onto silence from the multifarious sounds
Yet His presence will remain the same for all those who truly seek
You only need to be humble, faithful and loving, no need to be a geek
Such is the greatness of all the souls which inherit this Earth
That they can attain the same state, irrespective of their family of birth
It only needs a spark to ignite the fire within
To realize the Divine beneath the mortal skin
For those of you who cry and yearn
There is still a lot more to learn
Did not Swami Rama and myself told you to be above grief
Remember this is just a separation so brief
Beneath the body lies the real element that makes up the I
If you can reach that, you only limit is the sky
So get up and keep following the golden path you were shown
Then only can we say we are true followers, and we have really grown
Amen. Hari Om. Tat Sat