The entire world is governed by Him, call it nature, God or Cosmic Will
Don’t be worried, nothing can happen, neither good nor bad, so just chill
There are things we call miracles, we seem to find for them a logical reason
Yet there are unexplained mysteries, just out of the blue, out of any season
There are people who seem to be terminally ill, hardly a chance they would survive
Yet some unseen force sustains them, and despite all odds they exist and thrive
So when you play your role in this universe, do it with greatest faith and care
Yet not even for a moment, you are doing anything, never think don’t even dare
For without His Will and indirect signal, you are nothing, you do not stand a chance
He can do Tandava for destruction, Yet the same Him can sustain the evolutionary dance
You are bound to the law of karma, till you have breath, you have to remain working
Else in the garb of His Will if you become lethargic, the great danger will be lurking
He who created the Cosmos so big that even thoughts cannot go that far
He created it all, whether it is the tiniest speck of sand, or the grandest star
So enjoy the creation, be an active member, harmonize with nature and grow
All your inhibitions, all your shortcomings, just rip apart and away you throw