Despite our best efforts, we just seem to go in deep troubled waters, about to drown
That is mostly the time when we start to lose faith, and at the creator we frown
Yet that is the time when you need to keep patience, and you need to realize
It is not without a purpose or Divine plan that such things happen, so say the wise
So let not your heart be troubled, for these deep waters are not to drown but clean
It is only at such depths that your dirt will be washed off, and you will attain the sheen
When you come out finally of these waters, you will thank God for all the sorrow and pain
For without this tempering and struggle, you would not be fit properly for any gain
Just remember God is like a parent, He is not your enemy so He cannot give any hurt
So just think twice, nay thousand times, before anything unnecessary you blurt
Thank the creator for giving you the opportunity to go through all the challenges in life
If you had just sat around cozily, you would not have realized the success without the strife