Perhaps the title “exceptionally talented kids: the Spiritual connection” might not go down well with many of the readers out there, especially those belonging to the scientific fraternity. Yet I would suggest you go through the post fully before forming an opinion
Basically when we say that certain kid is exceptionally talented, it simply means that he/she can perform tasks or do something which most of the other students of the similar age group find it difficult to do. There is no boundary of what the area of excellence is. It could be anything ranging from like say singing (remember the recent Junior Idol show) or cooking (example Little Chefs) or it could any even an academic pursuit (see video below) of a kid who is just 14 and will have his Master’s degree in another couple of years.
These are just few examples and there are hundreds and thousands of such kids who may not be even know beyond the circle of few people close to them.
The basic idea is to find out that what makes these kids perform so exceptionally well and whether it means that other kids are not just upto the mark and is there any science behind it from the Spiritual point of view.
Karma & Reincarnation
From the scientific perspective, a theory is not complete unless it can offer an explanation for all the possible sets of occurrences which happen in that domain. Means that in case we give some theory for this phenomenon of exceptionally talented kids, it should fit for other “normal” kids too and with the other theories which are also well accepted without any contradictions.
If we say that God made these kids special and no other kids can match them, we are actually putting God as a very biased Higher Power which bestows His Grace and Blessings on few selected human beings whereas by definition He should be equally good for everyone. How can He allow someone to be born in a situation like for example say in the civil war stuck region of Syria these days while another one is born to some rich business magnate.
Karma & Reincarnation
It is here that the theory of Karma and reincarnation fit exactly into the picture. The law of karma as we have read about in our previous posts, simply states that Nature, God or creator whatever you prefer to call that Higher Force has given equal opportunities to everyone but it is by the use of our own free will that we alter our futures and create good or bad effects. Of course the true significance of this can only be realized by deep meditation but even if you accept it logically for a start it seems a much more sane explanation of the differences that exist.
Furthermore, the theory of karma cannot be fully understood unless it is seen in conjunction with the theory of reincarnation which states that ultimately the consciousness or the soul is just changing physical forms and is a part of that universal super-consciousness and hence the anomalies in the law of karma can be corrected when viewed in this light. Infact the very desire to excel is actually just a desire of the soul to reach a state of perfection which it actually is so it is someone like a person who might have strayed away from home, and wants eagerly to return but cannot remember the home so tries to locate it by searching here and there.
Similarly unless the inward journey begins, the soul tries to seek perfection by excelling in different pursuits be it academics, art, social services (Mother Teresa) and various other areas and disciplines. The pursuit is very similar to the inner pursuit which would bring the person closer to one’s own self. Although it is a different thing that the Rishees and Sages find that fulfillment directly within their own selves rather than follow the circuitous route of external and then internal.
Having said all that, this does not mean to say that such kids are just normal, they are actually having so much karmas that in this life they only require a slight start to take a huge leap. So you can see that this explains that why they are exceptional but at the same time it also explains that the normal kids are also equally exceptional in the same sense.