He is the creator, the preserver and the destroyer
He takes the form of light as well as illuminating fire
To Allah we belong and to Allah we shall all return
Whether they cremate us, bury us or just burn
Allah here refers not to a specific religion but The Almighty
It could be Lord Jesus, Ek Onkar, Yahweh or any Deity
The Holy Quran or the Gita teach basically the same fact
Creator can only be reached by sincerity, not by any tact
Just bow humbly to the Supreme Power in full faith
See how the Universe will shape you like a perfect lathe
Everything will be possible if you just believe in God
Just make sure you do it truthfully, not for any fraud
It is a privilege to get absorbed in the very own source
For their is nothing ever greater than this universal force
Dust thou are and to dust thou shall return say another Saint
Whichever faith you look at, the same picture the sages paint
So why are you just fighting, quarreling in the name of dharma
Just be a true karam yogi, just honestly do your own karma
Ishwar, Allah, God, Khuda and what not are His names
The world is just His playground, life is just a theatre of games
So let us enjoy while we are still here and have the time
Be a human first, and help spread some cheer and chime