It is said that the Vedas that is the holy scriptures of Hinduism has a list of Beej mantras. These Beej mantras are single character mantras that are often recited to purify the soul and the body. We will now discuss about Kumar Swami Beej mantra. Kumar swami has become a big name globally. He has been awarded with various recognitions and awards. It is said that he is using Beej mantra to cure ailments.
Let us first understand more about who Sri Kumar Swami actually is. He was a small time aurvedic doctor. He used to live in a small colony of Delhi. He is now called Brahmrishi kumar swami ji. He was acknowledged by the New York state senate. He has now become a name that is acclaimed globally. He has also opened a spiritual centre that is called Laxmi Narayan Dham. This centre preaches his teachings and supposedly heals people. There are many more branches of the Laxmi Narayan Dham. The branches are in Mumbai, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Shimla, Luchnow, Delhi, Jalandhara, Mohali and Ludhiana. There are some branches across the world too. One branch of the Laxmi Narayan Dham is in New York too. There are about nine centres of Laxmi Narayan Dham in the United States. There are some centres of Laxmi Narayan Dham in Canada and United Kingdom. The programs of Brahmrishi kumar swami ji is telecasted in almost all channels abroad. He has a great list of followers in almost all the nations of the world.
Treatment of Ailments
It is said that Brahmrishi kumar swami ji uses Beej mantras and religious rituals to cure ailments. He claims that he can perform miracles by using Beej mantras. He can make a deaf hear and dumb people speak. There are many celebrities who are a part of the Laxmi Narayan Dham. The number of followers of Brahmrishi kumar swami ji is on the increase. The Swami Ji charges a nominal fees and he cures his patients. The payments are done by demand draft.
It is difficult to believe that in a world of such complex medical facilities available how can be relying on Beej mantras. Many people all across the globe claim that they have benefited from the Beej Mantras that the Brahmrishi kumar swami ji had given them. We are in no position to judge the effectiveness of the Beej mantras that the Laxmi Narayan Dham gives to the devotees. There are two sides of the coin like in many other cases as we know. We should not be judgemental about the situation. There are many miracles that science cannot explain. Even science believes that there is some power in the Vedic mantras, powers that can heal human body and soul. Perhaps this is the power the Brahmrishi kumar swami ji is using in order to cure millions across the world.
Any devotee who visits the Laxmi Narayan Dham has to submit a draft. He or she is sent an envelope with which particular beej mantra that they must use. They are also advised if there is any puja or homa that they need to perform. The picture of the ailing person is fixed on the letter itself, this ensures that the right letter reach the right person. The devotee must follow the instructions well in order to get the benefit. If the desired results are not obtained then the same must be informed to the Laxmi Narayan Dham. They will go through the case again and recommended any changes if required.
This is a brief preview into the Laxmi Narayan Dham and how it works. We have also tried to give a brief idea about Brahmrishi kumar swami ji and his activities. I hope this will help you to understand the concept of the Beej mantras better. We are not telling you to blindly follow these. What we are trying to say is couple it with modern medicines. We are sure that will get you some benefits for sure. If you want to feel the magic you will have to completely believe in it as a first step.