We live very stressful lives today. There are so many concerns and troubles that bother us. Spirit healing is the new therapy that people are taking to in order to live a better and a stress free life. There are many centres across the world that helps people to live a better live with the help of spirit healing. No matter how depressed you are spirit healing can always be of help. It is believed that it can help even in physical well being.
Mind Over Matter
After all it is the mind that controls the body. It is not necessary that spirit healing must be learnt or practiced only when you have a problem. You can learn spirit healing even otherwise too. If you regularly practice the spirit healing it will help you become wiser and will also help you live a much better life. It can be practiced by anyone no matter what your age or social status is.
What Exactly is Spirit Healing?
Basically it is a process that is used to heal the mind or the person and help them live a better and spiritual life. There are many methods in teaching spirit healing. In this the teacher through physical contact helps the students to become spiritually stronger and heal them. Some people who can completely surrender themselves to t he healer recover faster and better. There are some who will not be able to gain many benefits from spirit healing as they are sceptical about the results.
The Process
In spirit healing the spirit energy of the healer is used to heal the person who is suffering from a mental or a physical problem. Some healers have more spiritual energy than others. This too can make a difference on the results that you see. In contact method the healer concentrates all his energy on his palm and places it on the body of the patient. Through the palm the energy of the healer passes to the person suffering. This slowly helps the patient to recover and feel better. It makes the person feel more positive and happy from within.
Absent healing is also a very popular method of spirit healing. In this the person suffering is healed by prayers. No direct contact is required in this case. The healer prays and the energy passes to the person suffering and he recovers. The healer chants mantras and he visualises that the patient is getting better. This slowly improves the health of the person. This method is used on patients who are very sick.
If you want you can learn spirit healing and develop your spiritual healing powers. With this power you can also heal your own self. You can get the energy on your palm and place it on the area where you have a pain and slowly the pain will reduce. You can slowly start using this on others too.
Form of Alternative Therapy?
The practitioners of spirit healing do believe that is an alternative medicine. Of course it is better if along with spirit healing you continue with other medications. Keep your medicines on and along with the spirit healing to get the best results. Do consult your doctor that you are planning to get spirit healing. Do not expect magic from spirit healing it must be done regularly for few months and with complete submission to the healer in order to get the results. Your mind should be blank and you should not be pre occupied with any thoughts when you practice the spirit healing. You must remember that spirit healing is to make you feel better it cannot guarantee that you will recover completely. As a healer you must only think of how to help the patient. Money should not be your intention while doing spirit healing.
Where to Find Spirit Healers?
There are many spiritual healers across the world. You can contact the one closes to you and see if he or she can help. The spirit healing is a deep form of meditation in which the spiritual energy of the person is made stronger and more effective. This energy is made stronger with regular meditation and practice. The healer transfers this energy from his body to the body of the person suffering. This positive energy slowly fills the body and the mind of the patient. Slowly this energy helps the person suffering to recover. The spirit healing is indeed a safe method and it is trusted by many across the world. The spirit healing does not have many side effects either. It is recommended to all. You can learn it to live a better life too.
Editor’s Note/Disclaimer:
Many people associate spirit healing with the fact that its about healing through ghosts and so forth. we do not propagate such beliefs and even if some element of such things is mentioned on the site, they are the personal beliefs of the respective authors. We do believe that spirit healing is all about transmitting energy from one conscious mind to the other which is a very scientific process even if it may not be well understood or accepted by medical professionals. Still we suggest to use discretion in using such methods of alternative healing. This is a neutral article and we either do not support or are against any such methods.