By Sudipta Ray on March 4, 2017
astral projection
Strange but True

Today we will discuss about the astral experiments that were done by Monroe. He was an astral expert and did have some interesting experiences. He lived a normal life like we do but he was always keen on understanding what the astral projections were all about and how he could make the most of these […]
By Sudipta Ray on November 10, 2016
astral projection

It is a known fact that we all have an astral body. Astral body is a part of our physical body but we cannot feel it all the time. So the question arises is can we all experience this astral projection or only a few people can master this? People who have been into this […]
By Jyotsna on October 24, 2016
astral projection, muldoon, Oliver fox
Strange but True

Today we will start a serial discussion about astral projections. First let us start with what exactly the astral projections are all about. It is also called astral travel. It is a willful out of body experience. Some say that it is a form of telepathy. The astral body is separate from the physical body. It […]