By Rakesh on December 3, 2024
astrology, belief, future guidance

Please Note: if you have come to this page from our links of “Free” and/or “Paid” astrology advice, kindly note that we have temporary suspended those services due to heavy demand and unavailability of our inhouse astrologer. We might reopen this service in future but in the meantime feel free to go through this interesting […]
By Pt Ram Dhiraj Mishra on December 2, 2024
astrology, astrology on phone, phone advice

Astrology has long fascinated humanity, offering insights into personalities, relationships, and even future events. Consulting an astrologer over the phone is a convenient way to explore these insights, as it saves time and allows you to connect with professionals from anywhere in the world. However, the ease of this format comes with unique challenges. To […]
By Jyotsna on June 19, 2017
12 year deception cycle, astrology, Pitri Rin

Man’s total life span is taken as 120 years. Prepare the following chart by multiplying 12 x 10 =120. Figures under the planets represent the age and above the planets represent Houses. The year in which sun occupies the 1st house in the annual chart (Varsh Phal) for the first time, write down sun against that […]
By Sudipta Ray on March 19, 2017
astrology, horoscope analysis, rahu dosha

Rahu is not actually a planet that you can find in the solar system. It is basically a mystical body that exists in Hindu astrology. There is a story about how Rahu was created. Rahu was an Asura (demon). After the amrit was extracted from the sea the devtas (good deities) and the demons gathered to […]
By Sudipta Ray on September 15, 2016
astrology, human life

We all like to know what the future has in store for us. As soon as a child in born in India the exact time of birth is recorded by the doctors and later horoscopes are prepared. Some babies are also named as per the alphabets that appear in their birth chart so that it […]
By EnnisDuff on November 21, 2014
astrology, astronomy, horoscopes

Astrology-is derived from the word, Astro = Star and logos =reason or logic. In Sanskrit it is called Joythisha or the science of light. Hindu Astrology is based on the principle of evolution of time. The ancient maharishees were past masters in every branch of knowledge and had solved all problems of life which the […]
By s.heeralal on June 7, 2014
astrology, double fate line, horoscope
Astrology, Miscellaneous

The palm majorly has three lines that are heart, life and fate lines. Each line has a significance of its own. Let us find out the significance of having a double fate line on our palms. Does it signify double measure of fate or is there another significance for the same? The Line of Destiny […]
By nishichawla on January 31, 2014
astrology, horoscope readings, pisces woman

In this article related to astrology of a Pisces woman we will tell you how go about impressing and winning over such a lady. She is one of the most charming and affectionate lady in the zodiac cycle. The Pisces woman can be a little confused and it may take her some time to make […]
By Daisy Astrologer on December 2, 2013
astrology, cancerian man, cancerian woman, sunsigns
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

If you are in love with a Cancerian woman or you want to woo a Cancer woman then this article on “All about cancer women” will be of great use to you. We have already discussed the personality traits of a cancerian man in case you are a female and dating such a person. Now […]
By Sudipta Ray on November 29, 2013
astrology, cancer men, sunsigns
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

Cancer men can also be called the “clinging crab”. In this article we will try to give you all the information that you may need to know in order to deal with a man who belongs to this sign of the zodiac. All About Cancer Men Cancer is one of those signs in the zodiac […]