By Deepak Chopra on April 2, 2014
astrology signs, horoscope signs, The Gemini man

So are you in love with a man who belongs to the Gemini zodiac sign. Well we would like to share some points on these Gemini men in our article. A Gemini man is interesting and great fun to be with. However, if you want to make this Gemini man more than just a friend […]
By Deepak Chopra on October 10, 2013
astrology signs, horoscope reading, vedic astrology
Astrology, Featured, Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Vedic astrology says that there are 12 houses in astrology. These 12 houses are the astrology signs used in the birth chart by the astrologers to predict the future of a person through horoscope reading. We will now discuss each of these 12 houses and their significance in this article. The first house in the […]