By Meetu Verma Nayyar on January 26, 2013
astrology stones, diamond characteristics, diamond purchase, gemology, identify genuine diamond
Gemstones, Miscellaneous

The use of diamonds in astrology apart from ornament making has been prevalent since long. Many people are suggested to wear diamond stone for astrology benefits. We will now discuss how to identify a genuine diamond for astrology purpose. Well diamond is an expensive stone. We recommend that you buy it from a recognised dealer […]
By s.heeralal on December 12, 2012
Emerald in astrology, gemology, panna
Astrology, Gemstones, Miscellaneous

Astrology is an ancient science that claims that we are born under certain planetary influences that will always be a part of our life and determine our future. Considering the planetary positions as in our birth chart different stones are recommended. For example if you were born when the sun was not in a strong […]