By Sudipta Ray on September 9, 2014
hindu calendar, Indian Calendar months, zodiac signs

The Indian or Hindu calendar months are different from the western calendar months, even though their number is same, meaning that there are 12 months in this calendar too. These 12 months also correspond with the twelve zodiac signs. The Indian calendar months starts from English 22nd march which is quite different from the western […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on February 10, 2014
hindu calendar, magh purnima 2014

Wanting to find out the Purnima falling in the month of February, I stood before the calendar. Suddenly I realized that it is ‘Magh Purnima’ in the month of February. I was suddenly reminded of strict orders from to take bath early on this day and even add Gangajal to the bucket of water. Immediately […]