By Jyotsna on September 4, 2014
astrology houses, horoscope reading

Today we will find out the significance of houses in horoscope readings but first the distinction between the houses and signs (Raashis) should be clearly understood. Here is a birth chart, which will explain their relationship: Right Side: I to VI Houses and Left Side: VII to XII Houses Lagna or Ascendant is the First […]
By sonia verma on July 22, 2014
horoscope reading, jupiter, Saturn

We have been studying the tutorials related to horoscope reading and have covered from the very basics of astrology till the previous third tutorial which dealt with 6th, 7th and 8th houses. Now we go further and study about 9th-10th houses and the planets Jupiter and Saturn Permanent 9th house Beginning of fate LORD: JUPITER […]
By sonia verma on July 12, 2014
astro charts, horoscope reading

In our recent issue we discussed the basics of astrology and today we shall continue with the tutorial on horoscope readings and how to go about knowing your circumstances and relate them with your stars. PERMANENT 1ST HOUSES (LAGNA) KING’S THRONE, BODY, FAME ETC. LORD: SUN First house is like the throne of Solomon. It […]
By Deepak Chopra on October 10, 2013
astrology signs, horoscope reading, vedic astrology
Astrology, Featured, Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Vedic astrology says that there are 12 houses in astrology. These 12 houses are the astrology signs used in the birth chart by the astrologers to predict the future of a person through horoscope reading. We will now discuss each of these 12 houses and their significance in this article. The first house in the […]