By Jyotsna on June 19, 2018
brave, life, tough, warrior

The obstacles cannot do anything to the brave Everyday with difficulties they have close shave Warriors count the wounds not in pain but pride They are open for any challenge arms open wide For a person who has grown up with life so tough Even the wildest of seas do not seem at all rough […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on March 24, 2018
chance, life, Meditation

Change while you can, for there is still a chance of life Dont be afraid as there will always be trouble and strife Whatever you do, do it fully, remember its never too late Let others think what they should, you decide your fate Law of karma will ensure that you get what you deserve […]
By Rakesh on January 2, 2018
kingsize, life

No matter what you possess, more or less, it doesn’t matter at all Look at these little angels, who hardly have anything but stand tall To enjoy life, you just need a joyous mind, a selfless and pure thought Try living like this and you will feel the cool breeze like a draught Live like […]
By Butler Usha on October 12, 2017
ciggie, life, smoke

Life can be compared to a ciggie, just smoke it till the last puff For what is the use if its half used, it would be just another bluff Do not get the wrong message, for life cannot go up in smoke If you actually smoke the ciggie, it will simply make you choke Smoking […]
By Jyotsna on April 25, 2017
chattisgarh, life, road

As we walk down the highways and the roads across the country complaining of cracks and boulders We do not even have the slightest idea, at some places how many people were carried on four shoulders There are areas where the jungle is the only path, there is extreme risk even trying to construct a […]
By Butler Usha on April 18, 2017
birth, life

When life teaches you new lessons night and day Sometimes you just get bit frustrated and you say Why the heck are you teaching me so much Who has time to spend centuries here as such We are all here for a short duration of few decades The illusion of permanency here are all facades […]
By Sudipta Ray on February 27, 2017
karma, life, stage

The graves are plenty, with withered leaves all over them On watching these lonely warriors, a thought does stem Since ages millions and trillions have crossed over, no one to return No matter how much we want to be eternal, how much do we yearn Yet there is the wish for eternal life for there […]
By nishichawla on February 4, 2017
life, limits

Life is often full of ups and downs, you just need to live with all energy Let whatever be the experience just gather it in the form of synergy There are limitations to life, except the ones that you make on your own There are no fruits except for the previous seeds that you have […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on November 9, 2016
dream, life, road

Life is short yet time is eternal and for ever So never say its over with your dreams, no never Till the last breath, if you keep trying, even if you fail The universe will reincarnate you to leave a blazing trail So it is not over until you say it is over in your […]