By Jaswinder Singh on February 8, 2016
news, salem witch trials
Strange but True

Find out how the witch craft trials which happened in Salem in the period starting 1962 and the truth behind these trials. Were the young ladies accused of real witchcraft or was it something else. Read this strange account and imagine what these girls would have endured.
By Jaswinder Singh on January 21, 2016
mysterious box, news
News and Updates

One day a man found a simple looking box in a dumpster, but it seemed to have some very astonishing props. Find out what came out from the Pandora’s box. As you can see in the new, this box seemingly has some connection to some other civilization or world possibly. We are not either confirming […]
By Jyotsna on January 10, 2016
News and Updates

It has been said that if you want to achieve anything, nothing can stop you. Just see the case of this middle aged man, who is so determined to study and earn a respectful living that he begs to pay his fee for law college evening classes so that he can get a job in […]
By Jaswinder Singh on January 2, 2016
news, Write A New Chapter: Write History

The past cannot be erased for its effects manifest in the form of karma for sure Yet whatever is the past, you can always write a new chapter of life which is pure Write a new chapter, and you will write history over time as you make a new start Soon you will notice […]
By Jaswinder Singh on December 19, 2015
News and Updates

We are publishing a post from the Ishayoga blog where the Sadhguru gives tips on the importance of early morning which is known as Brahm-muhurta and why one should use this time to meditate
By Jaswinder Singh on December 19, 2015
News and Updates

The Saints and Sages tell us not to take anything for granted and always thank God for the life we are leading. You never know what all ups and downs will come along the path of life. Here is a brief story of a Great Scholar who is an IIT graduate and NASA scientist, yet […]
By Jaswinder Singh on December 17, 2015
News and Updates

Although spirituality has no face and it is a matter of internal connection with the Divine, yet many of us want to know how the real Saint looked like. Jesus Christ who existed thousands of years ago when no photography existed has been portrayed as a man with a beard very often. Yet there seems […]
By Jaswinder Singh on December 14, 2015

We have been telling you about various temples and their main features, and how to reach them. Today we will learn about Shri Balaji Temple in Pune. Find out more…
By Jaswinder Singh on December 12, 2015
Do You Know?

NB: This is an old story but we found it relevant for the current times as well so we are reposting here with full credits to the author and publishers. Basically this tells us the relationship between wicca, Christianity and also busts some popular myths.
By Jaswinder Singh on December 4, 2015
Strange but True

we have posted several stories about aghori sadhus. Here is another collection of some interesting facts written by Reshma Dewda (@ TripHobo Portal). You will be really surprised to know what sort of things the aghoris can do. However we do want to add that a real aghori sadhu is someone with a high spiritual […]