By Mrs Manjeet Brar on December 30, 2013
arthritis, Aum sign, Benefits of Daily Morning Meditation, concentrating, knee problem, padmasan, pregnant women, stressful life
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

The best time in a day to meditate is either early in the morning or just before sleeping. However, the preferred time remains mornings just after getting up from the long sleep. This is the best time as the mind is fresh and free from tensions at this time.
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on December 9, 2012
Asthama, Baba Ramdev, Kapal bhati pranayam, padmasan, why do Kapal bhati
Customs/Traditions, Miscellaneous

Yoga an ancient science that developed in India is a science and at the same time is a milestone in medicine. It is unbelievable that how it has cures to diseases like cancer and aids. We all know the benefits of yoga. Even the western world is slowly appreciating the benefits of this. In this […]