By sonia verma on September 2, 2014
astrological predictions, bad dreams, Chart Reading, Date Of Birth, face reading, forehead lines, natal charts, palm reading

The natal chart reading is the astrological predictions that are made with the help of the time of birth. The astrologers take into consideration the location of the planets and stars at the time of birth. Based on the positions of the stars the predictions are made about the future. The expert astrologers say that […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 22, 2012
astrology, broken fate line, palm reading
Astrology, Miscellaneous

Fate line as the name itself signifies is a line that foretells our fate and destiny. It is a very important line on our palm. It is found as a straight line that crosses the head and heart line. The clarity and the length of this line say a lot about our life and what […]