By Vedantacharya Bhatt on January 10, 2013
astrology, Nostradamus, plmistry, prediction, Prediction For Future, Prediction For Future by date, Prediction For Future by name, Prediction of marriage
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Prediction is the art of seeing something even before it happens. For years we have heard that there are people who can see the future. For example Nostradamus he had seen what will happen on earth thousands of years before the even actually happened. However, we all are interested in knowing what will happen in […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on November 16, 2012
astrology, horoscope, lucky colour, prediction, superstition
Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Well since childhood days I remember that before any exam or before results I would go through the newspaper’s horoscope section. This would help me understand how my day would be. Sometimes the prediction would be good and there are days when the predictions would make me upset. However, I don’t remember if they would […]